

Where your satisfaction meets our ambition. Read what our customers have to say about their experience.


4.9 stars from 800+ reviews

“Incredible Atmosphere”

“Wow, just wow! Best class I’ve ever attended. Hands down!!”


Chelsea T

“I have changed emotionally! Now, I am a more confident person!”

“It was the most wonderful course I ever had!!!!! It was such a great experience! I had a high-level emotional time with joy, laughter, kindness, and love!!! I have changed emotionally! Now, I am a more confident person, and no one can compare me with somebody! My knowledge and skills after the Scalp Facial course are absolutely perfect!”


Katia P

“Highly Recommend”

“The Academy was like a DREAM! I can’t wait to go back for a visit!”


Kristin S

“My favorite part of the Academy M experience is the authenticity behind what they are teaching! They truly want you to succeed with the mission in mind. They make you feel taken care of so that you can take care of others. Which is what, in my opinion, our industry is all about.”

Morgan L


“To be able to offer this incredible service to my clients is a gift.”

“My favorite part of Academy M was the connection I felt within our group and then seeing & feeling the experience firsthand. To be able to offer this incredible service to my clients is a gift. I can’t wait until they experience this for themselves.”


Leslie M

“I made over $3000 from eight clients in my first month!”

“It just makes me so emotional to put what taking this course has done for my life and my family and honestly the doors it’s opened or the income…holy cow the income. The income is only matched by the gratitude. I love getting to serve my community. But I made over $3000 from eight clients in my first month. And I am not working a whole lot. I work three days a week. I had eight clients and made over $3000…and I started with a clientele of zero!”


Stacy M

“More fulfilling than I ever imagined, an unforgettable experience.”

“My experience at Academy M was truly more than I could have ever imagined. For the longest time, something had been tugging on my heart as far as my work. I just needed something more. I needed something more fulfilling that was in the direction I wanted to go with my business. This experience gave me that and then some. The service itself was so sacred and so much more meaningful than I ever expected. Along with the entire experience, the connections made while I was there was incredible. I truly feel like God handpicked each of us to be in that room for those three days and it will forever leave an imprint on my heart. Anyone searching for more, or who desires what felt like a life-changing experience, whatever that may be for them in this industry, should most definitely attend Academy M.”


Makayla M

“Academy M was truly a life-changing experience for me.”

“Where do I even begin. Academy M was truly a life-changing experience for me. I feel excited to go back to work and love on so many of my salon guests. Seeing the emotions poured into this service is not only inspiring, it’s amazing! Mandie Sue appeared on my Instagram one day over a year ago, and ever since that day I have been pushed by God to get to Utah! I’m so glad and honored for the opportunity to have been part of Academy M. So thankful for the relationships and memories I made with such beautiful and talented women all across the world! Make the trip and invest in yourself, you won’t regret it. Thank you, Mandie, for believing in me and pushing us to better our careers!”


LeAnn H

“Academy M was worth every penny from start to finish!”

“Academy M was by far the best class I have ever taken in 16 years of my career. It’s always a little nerve-wracking investing in your education, but Academy M was worth every penny from start to finish! I was most impressed with the details, from the swag bags, the meals that were provided, and the intimacy of class (not being overcrowded). I just loved all the detail; it shows that they really cared! Everyone was so welcoming and wonderful, and I really appreciated that.”


Caitlin N